Website With React JS: A Complete Guide With Example

Hello Guys Wellcome to, Everyone present here of this blog post. You all came here to learn a react js and i am also here to teach you a react js. If you are interested or want to create a website with react js then You are in right place. So let me dicusses with You what you will learn after reading this. blog and why should you read this post. So this table of content give you all the answer of your question.

What Is React JS

First a fall before learning about how you can create a website with react js. Lets learn about what is React JS, The word React JS come from two word React + JS. The Word React is a framework and we all know JS stand for Javascript.

So we already discussed where the React JS word came from. Now there should be a question in your mind What is a react js?. There is a simple answer of your question is React JS is a JavaScript library. There is a lot’s of JavaScript library React is also one of this library.

What is React JS

What is a use Of React as a Library

So we had discussed above what is a react js ? Now we will know about what is a use of React as a library. React is Modern JavaScript library which used to create a UI (User Interface) design. Just Like other javascript library react is not like other this is a modern javascript library.

Till Now we all know that react is a modern js library which is used to create a modern ui design. But if you think that react is complex let me know you that you are a wrong. This is a simple language but its used to make a quick and responsive UI design.

React Is Free Or Paid ?

If you are abslulitly biggners and want to learn react js or want to enhance you skill by creating a website with raect js. But You have question is react js is free or paid, So let me answer your question in one word That React is an Open source library.

But what does mean by open source it means react js is completely free to use. Seems good right, Yes you can use the react for free and you can download and create your app for free. Just like every library in IT are open source which mean it free to use.

Who Developed The React JS ?

The React JS is Developed and Managed by Facebook. Now also facebook give update on react which make it different from other library. And even facebook is also built in React JS, Not only facebook the instagram is also built react js

And even facebook and instagram app is also built by React native. If you are getting confuse what is react native, So don’t be confuse I am here to explain you everything. One more thing not only facebook, instagram there are many website. Which is built in react I will tell you futher in this post

Features Of React JS

Before getting rush to build a website with react js. We should know the every detail of react js, So we have discussed above what is React JS ?. Now we are going to discuss Features of React JS. Absolutely to getting started we should know about is features also. Let’s know more about react about its features.

There are many feature of react which make it awesome and easy to use. We are going to discuss each and every feature in detail or in depth. After knowing its feature it seems easy to use react js.

Features Of React JS

This are the features of React JS

  • JSX
  • Components
  • One-way data binding
  • Virtual DOM
  • Simplicity
  • Performance

What is JSX in React ?

We are talking about React feature and JSX is the most important feature of React JS. But What is JSX ? Don’t worry i will give answer of your every question just stay tuned with our post, I will answer your every question.

What does JSX mean, What is a important of JSX in react, And what make it most most important and common feature of React.

JSX is build with two things JavaScript + HTML. Which mean React understand JSX, and JSX is only for react. React doesn’t understand the HTML, React only understand JSX but we can write HTML under JSX, JSX is built like the HTML, When you will write the code you will not fill much difference between HTML and JSX.

Don’t be panic think JSX is just an HTML, but it’s not an HTML this is actually JSX, But it look similar to HTML.

What is Components in React ?

This is the second feature of React JS after the JSX, And this is also an important feature of react. If you guys studied angular before, You can feel what is power of components in react. Yes Component is very powerful feature of react with some unique power.

If you are worrier about you don’t know what is component and it’s use. I will let you every answer of your question.

How React works

Just take it in a simple language, Components is just like a container of a web page. A website is a made of different components like header, footer, and body. Like in HTML we have to write the header code in every page of website, But the technology is getting advanced. We can use the components.

We don’t have to code the same thing in each and every page, just import the component of the code which you want to display on the page. And this is very simple and useful.

One-way data binding In React

Now this is also a feature of React js and we should know about this. But what does this term mean, I will explain it and this is also a simple like above two feature. So let’s know about What is One-Way data binding in React JS ?

So what does this term mean, This mean a data coming from one source to destination. When the data coming from source to destination it mean data are getting bind. And this is only in one way transfer of data from source to destination. This mean One way data binding.

Where all parents can send the data to there children, and there is also an option of taking response from children. But the package of data, the path of data and the transfer of data are in one way not in two way. But there is a way where children can communicate with parents, We will know this further of this post.

What is Virtual DOM in React ?

So what does virtual DOM mean?, You heared a DOM word many time but what virtual DOM mean. If you study javascript before then you should know about what does DOM mean. But if you don’t know no worries i will explain you what does it mean.

If you are going towards react at lest you should know the basic of javascript. We have seen the DOM in javaScript which stands for Document Object Model(DOM). And if you learned the jQuery before there is also a term called DOM.

But in the react this is not an actual DOM this is a Virtual DOM. If you guys are thinking what is a difference between virtual and actual DOM. To understand the difference between this two, We should know about what is DOM rendering.

How React do a DOM Rendering ?

This is also an important things to understand to know more about react, And it plays the important role to creating a website with React JS. But what does actually DOM rendering mean, In the above paragraph i said there are two type of DOM. Let’s understand both of them before knowing about DOM rendering.

Actual DOM:- If you guys know the basic of javascript then you hared the DOM word many time. Which means document.getElementById (DOM). The function document.getElementById is used to pick a DOM element.

Virtual DOM:- As in the actual DOM we are using document.getElementById, To pick a DOM element. But in virtual DOM we don’t have to use the document.getElementById. Before the actual DOM render on website there is copy made of the Actual DOM which is known as virtual DOM.

And this DOM knows in which part which element is written. Let’s take an example when the user will click on button and one DOM element get’s change. But the first change will made in virtual DOM compare to Actual DOM.

This is a one more reason why everyone love react as a frontend. Because if there will be a change made in element then the not all DOM will be render as a actual DOM. But only the element will be rendered where the change happen.

So this is how DOM rendering work, And how this play a important role to make react as a great frontend library.

Simplicity in React JS

So here is a good news for a React beginners or who want to learn the react JS. But What is Simplicity in React js? The answer of your question is learning process in react js is very simple. If you guys Know about HTML and basic javascript, You can learn react JS as quicker then you think.

Not only the learning process, Making a website with React JS is also very simple and quick. You don’t have to learn the advanced javascript to learn react js, Even you can master React JS with basic understanding of javascript.

What is a Performance of React JS ?

The performance of a react js is extremely fast, Because this is light weight frontend library and this is very reactive. React is very light weight library which mean app doesn’t take much time to load. Which is extremely good and important for website performance.

And it’s name also suggest React when means it react very fast because this is very reactive. The reason behind the fast performance of react js is , Because this is very light weight library. That’s why this doesn’t take long time to load any type of app.

How React works ?

This is also an important topic or a question after knowing about the basic feature of react js, And why we should use the react js in our frontend project. After knowing all this think we should know about how actually react works, what is a working mechanism of react js.

If you want to understand the working of react js, You just need to understand the working of a webpage. We know how simple is react JS in above topic. The working of react js is also very simple, before we should understand the working of react. we should Know about how web page work.

How web page works ?

To know the working of web page we should know how web page is made of. The webpage is divided in different container which is knowns as components. We have discussed the components, and how components works in above topic.

By the combining of all the component we make a web page. We should understand the working of component to understand the webpage working, which i had already explained above in the feature of react js.

10 Examples of website made with React JS

Here is an example of 10 website which is made by React JS.

Examples of website made with React JS

1. Facebook

Why React JS?: React was developed by Facebook, so naturally, it’s used extensively in their main application for dynamic and scalable UI.

2. Instagram

Why React JS?: Instagram‘s web version uses React for real-time updates, routing, and rendering user posts.

3. Netflix

Why React JS?: Netflix uses React for fast, modular, and seamless loading of user interfaces, especially in low-performance environments.

4. Airbnb

Why React JS?: React powers Airbnb’s search and booking interfaces, providing an interactive user experience.

5. WhatsApp Web

Why React JS?: React is used for the real-time messaging interface of WhatsApp Web to ensure a responsive experience.

6. Dropbox

Why React JS?: Dropbox leverages React for efficient UI updates, making file management smooth and fast.

7. Uber Eats

Why React JS?: React is used to deliver a seamless food ordering experience, integrating maps, real-time tracking,

8. BBC

Why React JS?: The BBC uses React for building its front-end, ensuring fast page load times and a better user experience for news and video content.

9. PayPal

Why React JS?: PayPal uses React for handling complex routing and responsive designs in its payment platform.

10. Shopify

Why React JS?: Shopify uses React to enhance its dashboard and make online store management user-friendly and efficient.


By the End of this post, I have given a guide of how you can create a website using react js. And why should you learn the raect js, With some example of websites. After reading this post i am sure you will know about the importance of react js for a frontend website design.

If you guys any problem or want any help from me leave the comment bellow. Ask your question related to this post, I will replay your comment as soon as possible. And thanks for reading this blog post, By

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